
gaming headsets Dropshipping and Fulfilment Services

gaming headsets Order Fulfillment Services | gaming headsets Drop Shipping

gaming headsets Fulfilment Centers and Warehouses
Amazon’s hot-selling product categories include toys, video games and their accessories. When it comes to video game accessories, the best-selling product on Amazon is gaming headsets. In the past two years, there have been countless incidents of headset infringement, so it’s time to avoid them. Infringement must be avoided in advance. Todroshipping focuses on cross-border e-commerce services, providing services such as international express delivery, international parcels, international special lines, and overseas warehouse agency services. It has professional channels to provide solutions for special items. For details, please consult the official online customer service of Todropshipping.
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gaming headsets Introduction Note
Gaming headsets refer to headsets suitable for playing games. For game users, a gaming headset with excellent performance can allow players to experience an immersive feeling in the game. For players of competitive games, gaming headsets should also be able to assist gamers and improve combat effectiveness. In the use of headphones, we found that the use in games will be a large part of the demand, especially when music and games are in use, a pure headset can be used to obtain better listening effects.
How to do well in overseas warehouse

1. The market demand of products should be large

This is the basic principle. Long tail products are not suitable for overseas warehouses、 because it will affect the conversion rate and produce life and death inventory. However、 the size of the market is reasonable、 and the seller needs to evaluate according to the capital situation and turnover rate.

2. Focus on the total profit per unit time rather than the profit of a single transaction

In general、 the profit margin of overseas warehouse of most products will be much higher than that of domestic shipment、 which is also the advantage of overseas warehouse.

Is it true that the profits of overseas warehouses are not as good as those of products shipped domestically、 so they must not be overseas warehouses? In fact、 it is not because we also need to comprehensively consider the conversion rate of overseas warehouse、 because products with high conversion rate can also achieve higher total profits through overseas warehouse!

This requires our sellers to look at overseas warehouses from a developmental and overall perspective.

For example、 if the profit margin of a product shipped from China is 20% and that of an overseas warehouse is 10%、 but the conversion rate of an overseas warehouse is 6 times that of a Chinese shipment、 the total profit obtained in the same time period is 3 times that of a Chinese shipment. Therefore、 we should not only look at the profit rate、 but also calculate the overall cost and benefit.

Precautions for the Japan Amazon FBA headline

Precautions for the first warehousing of Amazon FBA:

Be sure to provide the Japanese importer (company or individual)、 and it is almost impossible to complete customs clearance without the cooperation of the importer. (The customs will confirm the local tax number by telephone) - Give it to us for settlement

Notes on import tariff and consumption tax in Japan:

Most of the goods imported from Japan (80-90%) are tariff free、 but 8% of the consumption tax will be paid if the freight and value of goods is more than 10000 yen.

For a small number of products、 the average tax rate is (3-5%)、 such as plastic products、 aluminum products、 etc.、 but the freight and freight value of the express is less than 10、000 yen、 there is no tariff and consumption tax. On the contrary、 if the freight and freight value of the express is more than 10、000 yen、 (3-5%) import tariff and 8% consumption tax shall be paid.

Some famous products are strictly required by Japanese customs、 such as textile products、 which are subdivided into knitting and woven products:

Knitwear (simply understood as elastic clothes and pants、 such as sweaters、 T-shirts、 stockings、 underwear、 etc.) usually has an import tariff of about 10% plus 8% consumption tax when the freight and added value is greater than 1000 yen.

Shuttle fabrics (simply understood as trousers without elasticity、 such as jeans、 etc.) with freight and freight value less than 10000 yen also have no import tariff and consumption tax. On the contrary、 there will be 7-10.9% import tariff and consumption tax.

Leather goods (such as leather bags、 leather shoes、 leather coats、 leather gloves、 etc.) with freight and value higher than 1000 yen will generate 20% import tariff plus 8% consumption

Note: The above description concerning import tariff of Japan shall be subject to the actual verification of Japanese customs.

What are the delivery methods for FBA headline
FBA's first journey delivery method is as follows: air dispatch special line: first journey air freight+last journey express delivery 8-10 days、 signing for Shanghai dispatch special line: first journey sea freight+last journey express delivery 17-25 days、 signing for railway transport special line: first journey rail transport+last journey express delivery 25-30 days、 signing for (Europe) express delivery directly to FBA warehouse、 such as DHL、 UPS and Fedex international express delivery 3-5 days. If customers need to reach their destination quickly、 they need to choose an efficient special line For example、 air transport FBA; If the goods are not so urgent、 and the company wants to reduce the freight cost、 it can choose to transport them by sea or rail.

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