
women's trousers Dropshipping and Fulfilment Services

women's trousers Order Fulfillment Services | women's trousers Drop Shipping

women's trousers Fulfilment Centers and Warehouses

At present, the scale of China's B2C cross-border e-commerce market has reached 2 trillion yuan, B2B has reached 6 trillion yuan, the epidemic has reduced the opportunity for outdoor shopping, but developed the consumption habit of online shopping, accelerated the development of the clothing e-commerce industry. Apparel is now one of the largest categories in the entire cross-border e-commerce, accounting for 15% to 20% of the market size, with a growth rate of 20% to 30%, and the market is very impressive.

Todropshipping focuses on cross-border e-commerce services, providing international express, international packets, international special lines, overseas warehouse dropshipping and other services for special items, live products have professional channels to provide solutions. You can consult the official online customer service on www.Todropshipping.com

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women's trousers Introduction Note
In terms of clothing e-commerce penetration, Europe, America and China are relatively close, but there is still great promise in the global market, and the penetration rate of clothing e-commerce in Southeast Asia, Latin America and the Middle East is still not high, and the potential growth rate in the next five years is expected to be relatively fast. Amazon is still in the stage of supporting the clothing category, so there is no need to worry about a particularly large increase in fees on this platform. And under the influence of the epidemic, the sales growth trend will become better, while the customer acquisition fee has decreased, and the profit margin will definitely increase.
Does cross-border e-commerce use overseas warehouses now

The logistics mode to be used depends on its own operation and logistics demand.

Of course、 under the current unstable international market background、 the advantages of overseas warehouse are indeed more prominent. Considering the current logistics timeliness、 in order to prevent the product from being out of stock、 some goods can be stored in the overseas warehouse in advance、 and FBA can timely replenish the goods through the overseas warehouse when the inventory is urgent; Value added services such as issuing one piece for overseas warehouse、 returning goods and changing marks can also bring a lot of convenience and opportunities. It is really convenient to centrally transport the goods to the country where the market is located for storage、 and deliver the rest to overseas warehouse for final delivery? The state also supports the construction of overseas warehouses、 but the overseas warehouses are still in the period of free expansion、 and there are many pitfalls in choosing overseas warehouses. Most sellers seeking stability will use overseas warehouse enterprises with reliable service scale、 such as barns、 at least in terms of cost、 timeliness、 system use and storage management. Of course、 whether to use overseas warehouse or not depends on whether you have stable order demand support and can bear a certain warehousing cost.

International express delivery usually takes several days
For international express delivery、 we often use the four major express DHL、 UPS、 FedEx、 TNT and EMS. The international express delivery time is normally 3-7 days、 depending on your time limit requirements、 where to send、 and the need for fast time limit、 you can refer to DHL express delivery. DHL express delivery can reach major countries and regions in 3-5 days.
Advantages of using overseas warehouses for Amazon

Overseas warehouse is one of the distribution channels of cross-border e-commerce. The use of overseas warehouse allows unlimited expansion of the seller's product categories. Some products have a long service life and do not belong to FMCG、 but there are restrictions on the market demand、 the formation of scale、 and the sales in overseas warehouse. The product categories in overseas warehouse can be expanded indefinitely. And the overseas warehouse is not only used for storing and transporting goods. What service function does the overseas warehouse have? Today、 let's talk about the five functions of overseas warehouse.

1. Return and replacement services.

Generally、 multinational e-commerce sellers will inevitably encounter many problems、 such as account closure、 product failure to go on sale、 wrong SKU label、 etc.、 so they can use the overseas warehouse delivery mode to provide services such as return、 exchange、 and label change、 so that the product can gain value again and avoid loss of goods.

2. Value added services.

When using FBA、 the seller can simultaneously use overseas warehouse services to replenish goods nearby、 minimize transaction costs and reduce transaction risks. In addition to FBA transit、 overseas warehouses can also provide value-added services for sellers、 such as warehousing inspection、 goods putting on shelves、 inventory management、 order receiving、 order sorting、 order review、 multi-channel shipment、 etc.

3. FBA replenishment service.

Cross border sellers can place part of their goods in overseas warehouses. When they find that the FBA stock is insufficient、 they can immediately replenish the stock from overseas warehouses. This process does not require an appointment. It can ensure that the warehouse is not arranged in the peak season. This operation method can save a lot of freight costs.

4. Overseas warehouse issues one piece.

The Seller shall prepare the products in batches from home to overseas warehouse、 and then the staff of overseas warehouse shall check and put them on the shelf. When a buyer places an order、 the Seller only needs to issue a delivery order in the overseas warehouse management system、 and the warehouse staff will implement local delivery service in accordance with local instructions.

5. FBA transit、 FBA transit and FBA transit services.

In most cases、 the FBA is used in combination with the third-party overseas warehouse、 stock goods in the overseas warehouse first、 forward (replenish) the FBA regularly or irregularly、 and handle the return and replacement of goods from the overseas warehouse while delivering goods from the FBA.


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